ArtFine ArtIllustration

Peter Goode

Our world is a confusing place. In our great searches for enlightenment, black and white have a tendency to turn grey. We search for what makes the world go round, what makes others act the way they do, and work to understand what any of us are doing here at all. Though there are many things we learn on our own, we require others to teach us some of what we don’t. Beings of higher understanding, whoever they may be.

   The artwork of Peter Goode portrays just such beings. “These stoic Bodhisattvas are alive with a mystical force…” as Peter told us in an interview, “…and are 4th dimensional creatures intended to activate the viewer to participate in self reflection, add their own narrative and personal meaning, and to explore their own beingness.” Essentially, the denizens of this world he’s created are enlightened guides peacefully helping those found along their path to achieve enlightenment for themselves. The constant mix of pastels, earth tones and contrasting saturations give Peter’s work a mystical dreaminess and an inherent oddity that beckons mystery and adventure. But these dreamscapes, filled almost entirely by these stoic bodhisattvas, have a familiarity to them that make me truly wonder, how often have I visited these places? How many times have I been guided through the fan of flames by one of these magnificent beasts to a plane of greater understanding? And the real answer is…I don’t know. But in order to receive a visitation from another one of these celestial guides, maybe that’s all that needs to be admitted.


Explore these epic dreamscapes and follow the beautiful Bodhisattvas in Peter Goode’s work by heading to one of the following links:

PeterGoode_DefendersofGoodTimesSentinel PeterGoode_HaroldtheProtector PeterGoode_DrStrangebunny PeterGoode_SavageShell PeterGoode_SubaqueousOverlord

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Jeff Smith

Jeff Smith

I'm a storyteller at heart. It's hard for me to separate myself from the stories that I read in books, see in illustrations or hear through music or poetry. I am the characters. They are my problems, they are my adventures. Some storytellers find themselves restricted to words alone, but I feel that certain stories should be unleashed in a variety of mediums. There are even stories that demand it. We've all had an experience where an image, song or poem drilled deeper into our existence than we were ever willing. But its there and continues to be a part of us. I'm attempting to do the same. My main focus is the visual side of storytelling but I continue to write music and poetry and I perform often. As my experience broadens I hope to have an everlasting and positive effect on those that are willing to take a look, have a listen and become part of the story with me.

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