ArtFine ArtIllustration

Pencils Were Invented for Maria Midttun

Don’t worry everyone, Maria Midttun exists and she has pencils. I don’t think I get more excited on instagram than when one of Maria’s drawings come up on my feed. Shame on the devil, they are perfection. Let me tell you something about her drawings, they are a collection of pencil marks on textured paper. She makes just the right amount of marks in just the right places to squeeze the maximum amount of joy from the viewer. She has perfected less is more. Her stylization is quite amazin. Have you seen her figures? Yes they don’t look exactly like women, photorealism is impressive an all but yada yada I’m bored. Maria give us some flowing black haired women with solid frames and charm. That’s what I’m chewing on for days, charm.

Her website is being constructed right now, but check out her blog and instagram, don’t forget to buy a nice print or something from her shop.

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Drew Grella

Drew Grella

My favorite place to eat is a taco bus that moved into a building. I call it the taco bus restaurant. I usually get four tacos, two spicy pork and two carnitas, which is a crispy fried pork. I think the pig may be my favorite animal to eat. I also enjoy drawing, making zines and eating pork.