
Tim Probert

Tim Probert is a man whose caught the magic of wide-eyed wonder and childhood adventure. Even in themes that are not intrinsically child based, such as his piece “Everybody comes to Rick’s,” there’s still an inquisitive nature to it that is reminiscent of being a kid again and trying to understand situations that are far bigger than us. We’re all really just kids at heart, trying to figure out how to handle the world we live in. Thats part of the reason I love Tim Probert’s work. I want to go on an adventure. And Tim is taking me there. I’m kind of a sucker for good line-work which may be a theme you all are picking up on, but Tim’s line work is solid. And juicy. But I appreciate that he doesn’t let the line segment things or contain them. His painting allows lines to show up where they’re needed and fade away when they’re not. It’s a beautiful technique. One I need to study more to use effectively. I also get caught up in his color. It’s almost reverently adventurous. Or respectfully powerful. I appreciate the subtlety. In any regards, i’m headed out to face a hoard of dragon endowed gator guards, and Tim Probert is leading the way.


Check out more of his work at the following links. Seriously though. Go.



Moonlit EscapeEverybody Comes to Ricks See Much Study Much Suffer MuchThe Horned King

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Jeff Smith

Jeff Smith

I'm a storyteller at heart. It's hard for me to separate myself from the stories that I read in books, see in illustrations or hear through music or poetry. I am the characters. They are my problems, they are my adventures. Some storytellers find themselves restricted to words alone, but I feel that certain stories should be unleashed in a variety of mediums. There are even stories that demand it. We've all had an experience where an image, song or poem drilled deeper into our existence than we were ever willing. But its there and continues to be a part of us. I'm attempting to do the same. My main focus is the visual side of storytelling but I continue to write music and poetry and I perform often. As my experience broadens I hope to have an everlasting and positive effect on those that are willing to take a look, have a listen and become part of the story with me.

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