04 Feb 2015

Scott Slusher

When I imagine what Texas looks like (I’ve never been there), I pretty much imagine a Scott Slusher photograph. Warm tones, bright sunlight, rodeos, cowboys and skinny white girls. His work brings chic and rustic together in a very appealing way. He’s taken the cowboy image to a new level

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28 Jan 2015

Victoria Will

For the last few years, Victoria Will has photographed celebrities at the Sundance Film Festival. She is expert at capturing each unique personality in their own light. Her simple lighting and background allow the subject to speak for itself. I can’t imagine how much fun she has photographing these people through out

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14 Jan 2015

Elizabeth Rudge

With the accessibility of photography in this digital age the industry has become inundated with overly photoshopped, glazed over photographs. As the world moves away from film we seem to be losing much of the honesty that accompanied it. It’s next to impossible to know what’s real and what’s not anymore. It’s rare to

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07 Jan 2015

Nick Fancher

I hate complicated lighting set-ups. I’ve seen photographers use as many as 5 lights and even more fill cards and flags to light something as simple as a shoe. Nick Fancher prides himself on his simple set-ups. I admire him greatly for this. He has a talent for creating interesting images with

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17 Dec 2014


I don’t remember how I found out about Vignettes but it wasn’t through Sierra Stinson who I saw (and still see) on a daily basis and who also happens to be it’s founder. She seems to keep all her cool-ness under pretty good wrap. She’s not one to flaunt. Someone

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10 Dec 2014


I love sunglasses. I wear them every chance I get. I went through a phase where I would do all my shopping while wearing a pair. They make everyone look cooler. When no one can see your eyes or where you’re looking, it adds this mystique that I personally find very

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03 Dec 2014

Trevor Dickson

I’ve been wanting to start incorporating music into this blog. Music has always been a huge part of my life and over the years has even become part of my art and career. It is one of the most universal art forms, something that just about everyone relates to and

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26 Nov 2014

Tara Sanborn

I don’t skate. I’ve never snowboarded. It would be safe to say that about 80% of my friends throughout my life do one or the other. I have a strange fear of falling and I hate snow but I love the photography for these sports. I’ve always secretly wanted to be

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19 Nov 2014

Coin-Op at Short Run

This past weekend I had the chance to stop by Short Run Comix & Arts Festival here in Seattle. I had never been before. In fact, I had never even heard of it until I was invited to a ‘Short Run Beach Party’ on Facebook where two bands I love, The Shivas and

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12 Nov 2014

Laura Gehring

Laura Gehring’s work is everything fashion photography should be. It’s simple, powerful and elegant all at the same time. The honesty in here style lets the products speak for themselves, allowing the viewer to relate to the image in a way that a lot of fashion photography doesn’t. Laura’s contemporary style focuses

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