
Alexia Tryfon

I’m pretty sure Alexia Tryfon is being followed by a pack of pixies. I don’t want to alarm anyone, but it seems that there are sparkles and prisms reflecting colors everywhere she goes. Everything around her is brilliant and beautiful, but then again, so is the artwork she creates. I had the privilege of meeting Alexia and her husband at the CTN Animation Expo a few weeks back. I kind of stumbled into her booth because something kept reflecting brilliant lights and colors into my eyes. Naturally, I assumed it was pixies and immediately went over to face the perpetrators for disrupting the cool aura I was putting off as I walked wide eyed around the convention for the seventh time. Super cool. But instead of facing the magical creatures I expected, I was faced with Alexia’s incredible artwork. It must have been where the pixies were hiding because the colors still shone bright and beautiful through each of her prints. I had the pleasure of talking with her and picking her brain a little bit about her inspirations and how she develops such stunning landscapes and creations; all the while keeping an out for the pesky pixies. Originally working as an industrial designer, she decided to pursue a career in visual development and has been creating magic ever since. She’s worked primarily doing backgrounds and layouts, inspired heavily by nature and the aura it gives, and has been slowly breaking into more character design. All of which had me thoroughly engaged and feasting on the dynamic color schemes and slightly geometric forms that make up her world, forcing myself to blink a few times just to make sure this was real. The pixies still had to be around somewhere because something mystical was going on. I noticed the same effect on her husband who was just as charming as she. Now, even though I never could find those pixies or prove who had brought me there, I must give them credit for luring me to know the work of Alexia Tryfon. And even though I still remain pixie-less, I still found the bits of magic I was looking for.


Check out her work now at:


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Jeff Smith

Jeff Smith

I'm a storyteller at heart. It's hard for me to separate myself from the stories that I read in books, see in illustrations or hear through music or poetry. I am the characters. They are my problems, they are my adventures. Some storytellers find themselves restricted to words alone, but I feel that certain stories should be unleashed in a variety of mediums. There are even stories that demand it. We've all had an experience where an image, song or poem drilled deeper into our existence than we were ever willing. But its there and continues to be a part of us. I'm attempting to do the same. My main focus is the visual side of storytelling but I continue to write music and poetry and I perform often. As my experience broadens I hope to have an everlasting and positive effect on those that are willing to take a look, have a listen and become part of the story with me.

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